Jeny Heckman


Jeny Heckman

Jeny Heckman

Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Fantasy

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  • Member Since

    Oct 2019

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    United States

  • Born

    December 6

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Jeny Heckman began her career in writing a little later in life after her father-in-law fell ill from non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She quit nursing school to help take care of him and found stress relief in exercise. While walking one day, she thought about a story involving fathers and daughters and decided to try and write it down. Releasing the Catch was created from that endeavor. She immediately fell in love with putting words to paper and decided to try her hand at writing a series. However, she didn't want the mainstream vampires, werewolves, and witches story, so tried her hand at the Greek gods and was immediately picked up by New York publisher, the Wild Rose Press.

Her debut novel of the series, the Sea Archer, won best in category at the Chanticleer International Books Awards in 2018 and cemented her passion for writing. The Heaven & Earth six-book series was born. Book two, the Warrior's Progeny came next and she immediately turned it into an audiobook. Jeny started getting requests for Dee Taylor's story, a character from book one, to be told and she created the novella, Dee's Cornucopia upon fan request.

When COVID-19 hit Jeny immersed herself in writing and turned out three books in 2019. The first, Dancing Through Tears, was part of an anthology through her publisher and entitled, Australia Burns, Volume Two. It benefitted the victims of the Australian wildfires, and fit in nicely with Jeny's second passion... charities. Dancing Through Tears is the story of her family's actual experience at the Route 91 Country Music Festival Massacre on October 1st, 2017, something that forever changed her life, and the life of her family.

In 2021 Jeny is working hard at completing Dee's Cornucopia, Soul Predilection, book three of the Heaven & Earth series, as well as turning the Sea Archer, Dee's Cornucopia, and Releasing the Catch into audiobooks. She is also planning the release of her interactive Heaven & Earth Companion book in early 2021.

The first edition of the Quest, the interactive book for her Heaven & Earth Series was released May 2021. Dee's Cornucopia is released on August 4th, 2021.

Jeny lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, Jeff, of twenty-eight years. She has two grown children, Paisley and Charlie, and looks forward to their next life adventure. When not writing she and her husband spend their weekends and summers aboard their forty-foot Carver, the Scaup, and she devotes her time to her charities.


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